Tales of a β male

Sunday, November 06, 2005

My writing style is going to change all of the time; you're just going to have to deal with it. If you're new, here's a brief, previously written physical description of me:

I am devastatingly handsome. Roughly 6’ in height and weighing in at a variable 165lbs, I regularly compliment myself, loudly and in company, as being a sublime example of Homo sapien. My hair is brown with natural blonde highlights and somewhat curly. My feet and toenails give home to a species of fungus. You may think this makes them ugly, I think this makes them fungitarians. My hands resemble those of females more so than males, and have had the following adjectives attributed to them: Big, small, fag, woman, beautiful, artist, piano, odd(knuckles only). I have good muscle tone, which I maintain by using my mass, gravity, and momentum as helpers. I am of the firm belief that having well-toned muscles will help me to engage more frequently in the copulatory act. I wear glasses because I think that contacts are expensive and more of a hassle than they’re worth.

I wrote that.

I also have a Facebook site where you can see photographic proof of the above description, delve into the abyss of my past, and gain insight into the acid-trip that is my psyche.

More selfinformation:

Not too much interesting happens to me, which is sweet. I had a friend who had a whole bunch of interesting things happen to them, and 5 years later, Bang! Herpes. A lot of times I will stare into space for a number of minutes. I am really not thinking of anything, a state of mind that used to terrify me because I knew that if my mind was silent, I would think of and realize things that would make me very uncomfortable. That doesn't bother me so much anymore. Being more relaxed has made my posture better, improved my memory, and has helped me notice and enjoy beautiful things; however, as far as I can tell it has not improved my performance in bed, so it was clearly not worth it.

I have great friends.
I have great parents.
I'm down with pretty much everyone who has not threatened me with death. If I'm irritated, I sometimes sprint away. Please don't take it personally.

I work as a lab technician at Duke. I order, clean, organize, and fix things. We study cancer. Cancer wants people to stop way before they want to. Duke wants them to keep going. Go Duke basketball.

1 comment:

Kate said...

Yay, Lee started a Blog!!! If Lee wasn't meant to have a hilarious (yet intriguing) blog, then no one was....

keep that shit flowing.