Tales of a β male

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

On my run this morning, I was thinking that it's kind of strange people have to make time to work out, whereas when we lived in caves, staying alive was pretty much all the working out we needed and going for extra runs probably would have been considered foolish.

I lost my phone last week. It looked a lot like this. The one on the

  • left.
    Last week when I went to Chapel Hill for Halloween, I got angry at a discourteousy and decided to walk home, not realizing at the time that getting there would require that I walk about 6 miles, 4 of which on roads dangerous enough that I don't even like driving on them. When I came to my senses, I called my friend Gautham, who was out of his senses, but was with someone well within their senses, who drove out to get me. My phone fell out of my pocket in their car and then that car drove to Denver. It was actually kind of nice not having my phone for a while, it gave me more thinking time, like this guy's doing. He lost his cell, too.
    My phone returned from Colorado last night. My parents had called me from Ireland a couple of times, but fortunately there was nothing very pressing that I missed. However, I have decided that I will not be getting drunk again for an indefinite period of time, which will hopefully
  • a) prevent me from getting into situation like that again
  • ....And that's about it. Wait, it will save me money, too, so that's sweet. Welp.

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