I’ve had a pretty productive day on a number of levels. That number is three and the levels are job searching, application writing, and perfect sentence drafting. But something has been bothering me like a wet ear I can’t itch because I’m carrying a laundry basket downstairs.
Let’s look at this map, which you may recognize as the world. Now let’s take a minute. How many major land masses would you say there are? For your convenience, I have labeled them. Six. There are six continents. And there is one culprit, five and a half
First, there is a geographic boundary, the Ural mountain range. It is a relatively puny chain, barely breaking into the Big 10.
Second, it could be considered separate from
Lastly we have distinction based on cultural factors, which Friend and I both agree is the most likely case.
Yes, what we have here is a case of pure Eurocentrism. I see it now: Amerigo Vespucci perched haughtily over a cartographer's easel in 15th century Florence
You may be used to this blog posting whimsical, perhaps even, dare I say?, yea!, spurious!, accounts of the author’s personal life. Well, my faithful reader, your host is no longer taking the easy way out; the new subject of this blog is going to be the hard-hitting world of commonly held geographic delineations, and the insults to common sense found therein!
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