Tales of a β male

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Some of my friends talk about themselves being weird and/or neurotic as if it’s a bad thing. Come on, do we all want to be the same? The answer is no; idiosyncrasies are part of what makes life interesting. That and the eternal, fiery battle between the angels of good and evil. Those two combined?, don’t even get me started. I mean it.

There’s a certain event that takes place around this time of year that I take a guilty pleasure in enjoying. Some of the appeal is due in part to its pairing with my birthday, spring, etc., but I know I would still be excited if it occurred in November. This event is the exodus of the undergrads. Streets that only a few weeks before were overrun with thousands of oversized sunglasses and “light-salmon” polo shirts will soon be relieved of their burden, making way for yuppies, with whom I simply have way more in common.

Now, it would be fair to say, “Hey Lee, you only graduated three years ago, it’s not like you’re so far removed from the same people you’re stopping purposefully just short of bad-mouthing.” To this I would say, “Dude, chill. Come over later and have a PBR with me and my boys, and we’ll discuss moral relativism and the impact of apartheid on the expansion of the universe.” OK, I’m poking fun at myself now because it’s true that I’m really not that far separated from the undergraduate experience, but I’m trying to act self-important, so cut me some slack.

I should follow-up this little manifesto with a disclaimer that I don’t really have anything against undergrads except that they take up a lot of space in which I could be dancing to George Michael (Did you know he sings “Father Figure”? Genius!). Some of my best friends are undergrads; really.

Hmmm, running out of space before the last segment, what else was I going to talk about…Oh yeah, cardinals. They are everywhere.
That’s all.
Now for…

Mystery Visitor of the Week

This week’s visitor comes to us from Fowler, CA, a quaint town on the outskirts of Fresno, just a stone’s throw from Yosemite and Sequoia National Parks. According to 2000 census figures, for every 100 females 18 and older, there were 93 males, and Pacific Islanders made up a surprisingly (to me) high percentage of the population (37.7%)1. The City website urges to you to consider that although Fowler has that hard-to-find small-town feel, there are plenty of opportunities for new businesses. Fowler can boast this free-trade friendliness due to its proximity to major transportation routes and high land availability. Visitors to Fowler can look forward to its popular “Spring Fest” on May 12th, complete with craft booths, a chili cookoff, and a car/motorcycle show. Questions about Fowler? Click here! Visitor from Fowler, CA, I salute you!

1. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fowler,_California

1 comment:

Luc Perkins said...

dude, don´t even get me started on george michael. examples:

--"freedom ´90" ("you´ve got to give it what it taaaaaaakes")
--as you mentioned, "father figure"

and of course:

--"one more try" ("cuz teacher, there are things, that i don´t wanna learn")

seriously, i think it´s the best power ballad ever written by anyone. here´s a link:
