Tales of a β male

Sunday, July 15, 2007

My journal entries are a lot funnier than what I post here. I often read past entries and bust a gut at my cutting, personally directed witticisms. You should read them sometime.

Actually you can't.

Are you feeling jealous or tricked? because that's what I was aiming for. I learned today there's a Czech word for my attempted jealous-making; litost. It's up there with "schadenfreude" as my favorite foreign word with no English translation that blew my mind with its exact specificity to unnamed concepts I've struggled with. There's a lot to litost. Maybe next time.

Back to my journal; I've thought about starting a separate blog that gives a more intimate, accurate portrayal of my daily thoughts. In it you could find how I compare myself to wildebeests, and how expectations are like little pets that you hide from your parents (true).

How about those teasers?

Well, I'm going to be going out of town again for a bit, and my internet, sorry Gore, Internet usage will be limited to one or two hour increments per day at the Stillwater Public Library. It's a Carnegie. Whatta guy. Welp, see ya,

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