Tales of a β male

Sunday, June 20, 2010

It’s back! Catch up on unimportant (to you) aspects of my life in the following categories:

Dickishness: This year saw an exceptionally wide range of dickishness, which after slow gains beginning at age 13 (see “Puberty”) peaked in late October of `09, followed by a precipitous and sustained dip to pre-13 levels (see graph). Explanation: I was not born a dick, was reminded of this, and responded accordingly. It hurt.

Puberty: After a late start (see “Dickishness”), I’m finally done!

Poorness: Several outstanding debts have encouraged my acquisition of habits described variably as “frugal”, “tight-ass”, or “leprous”. Among these are 2-minute showers, disconnecting the lower heating element of water heater, haggling with my 80 year-old landlady over rent, calorie-restriction, and decreased flushing.


Extreme graduate studenting (with knives and bacteria and other cool shit)

Cultivating awareness

Watching antics of my succulents

Photographing insects, plants, self

Daydreaming about J.R.R. Tolkein’s elven lore


Preferred positions while falling asleep: See diagram

Dream themes:

Weird sex stuff…really weird

Frustrating or impossible tasks, arguments

Movie theatres, grade school, college cafeteria, hometown library

Rivers, slow-moving waterways, and the occasional bridge

Jumping or gliding long distances

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