Tales of a β male

Friday, September 24, 2010

I keep having dreams where I’m given children, then told that I must care for them. In the first dream, I had just finished competing in a Frisbee golf competition when an infant boy cleaved off of a wall and was handed to me by the referee. “He’s yours now.” I had to admit that he was very cute, and I walked around with him under my shirt to prevent people from asking questions, apparently not realizing that having a baby under one’s shirt is also reasonable grounds for inquiry. Anyway, I woke up soon thereafter and found myself missing him. Last night I dreamt that a former colleague gave me her 7 yr old son to take clothes shopping. I actually didn’t mind except that I had to go to the mall, which I hate.

Of course the first thing that comes to mind as far as explanations go is that I subconsciously want to have a child.


In my dream interpretation book (yeah, so what?), having a baby can mean “budding talent or creative potential that is just emerging.” Fuckin’ right. The past 6-8 months have probably not been my most creative (in my case usually associated with suicidality), but have been times of increased focus, intelligence, and reasonability. Mentally, I may be at my most awesome. Physically, I still have foot fungus, but that’s neither here nor there.

1 comment:

Seth Kroschel said...

Happy to see your wit is still about you, if not those cute children.