Tales of a β male

Saturday, May 17, 2008

I was looking through some of my old entries, and between fits of girlish giggles at my own jokes, I realized that I make a number of allusions to people not really caring about my life or what I write. I realized that, aside from a random blog-passerby, every reader almost by definition does care about me, my writing, or both. All along I’ve been not only self-deprecatory as intended, but publishing blatantly false assumptions about your frame of mind. I’m a libelist! Now with the assumption that you’re on the edge of your seat, just waiting to chow down whatever earth-shattering insight or humorous anecdote I’ll serve up next, I can move on.

I mentioned in my previous post, among the “Philosophies of life” section, that I think pretty much everything is just the same. I realized that this could have been read, “I think pretty much the same way I used to”. Au contraire, mon frère (or sœur). I actually think everything is the same. But also different. Hmmmm. Maybe I should have thought this out a little more before I sat down, but here goes.

I’m just a little buzzed now, so that should help. My thought is that someone or something (a political candidate, a religion, a book, a movie, etc) that is supposed to affect you, an institution, a country, whatever, is basically the same as any other thing claiming to do the same. In the long run, you, your state, your Webkin, will all be long gone, regardless of whom you vote for. In addition, all “good” actions are only such in the short term. No one can see two steps past their own actions except Bobby Fischer, and I think he’s dead. Under any reasonably defined moral system, a “good” decision, given enough time, will lead to just as many “bad” effects.

Dealing in the short term isn’t any easier. I like to think that I can empathize with people who are going through rough times, privileged white boy that I am. Nope. Even if I went through the exact same experiences as another, how can I possibly accurately intuit what they’re thinking, feeling? I can’t; it’s impossible. I also can’t validly judge other people; one of my favorite activities!

For these and other reasons that I can’t formulate right now since it's almost 4AM, I come to the “it’s all the same” philosophy. A better read would probably be The Stranger by Albert Camus. Cool guy. Ciao.

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